Panopticon Invert
The installation aims to create the fragmentation of the structural form of the Jeremy Bentham’s “Panopticon” and ultimately of the control-surveillance system itself. By reforming the architectural structure, it intends to reverse the a liation between the observer and the observed one. This is realized by a human gure projection on the central part of the installation, which transforms the “surveillance tower” into a surveillanced one. The structural element directly refers to the original architectural design of the “Panopticon” and the projection is displayed on the structure, by regulating its sides to the corresponding angles of the subject. When the viewer enters the circular line of the installation the spread of the subject/ worker/ insane appears on four projection surfaces The “Panopticon” system is crucial because it allows the automation and deindividualisation of power, which is based more on a preplanned distribution of bodies, surfaces, lights, gazes and on a set of internal mechanisms capable of generating relations in which individuals are trapped, then on a mere individual.